Java Reference
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To implement a WriterInterceptor , we must define an aroundWriteTo() method. We
start off in this method by creating a . We'll use this class
to create an MD5 hash of the entity we're marshalling.
ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new
new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
DigestOutputStream digestStream = new
new DigestOutputStream ( buffer , digest );
OutputStream old = context . getOutputStream ();
context . setOutputStream ( digestStream );
Next we create a and wrap it with a . The MD5 hash is created from the marshalled bytes
of the entity. We need to buffer this marshalling in memory, as we need to set the Content-
MD5 before the entity is sent across the wire. We override the OutputStream of the Contain-
erRequestContext so that the MessageBodyWriter that performs the marshalling uses the
DigestOutputStream .
context . proceed ();
byte [] hash = digest . digest ();
String encodedHash = Base64 . encodeBytes ( hash );
context . getHeaders (). putSingle ( "Content-MD5" , encodedHash );
Next, context.proceed() is invoked. This continues with the interceptor chain and until
the underlying MessageBodyWriter is invoked. After proceed() finishes, we obtain the
hash from the MessageDigest and Base-64-encode it using a RESTEasy utility class. We
then set the Content-MD5 header value with this encoded string.
byte [] content = buffer . toByteArray ();
old . write ( content );
After the header is set, we write the buffered content to the real OutputStream .
context . setOutputStream ( old );
Finally, if you override the context's OutputStream it is always best practice to revert it after
you finish intercepting. We do this in the finally block.
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