Java Reference
In-Depth Information
cust . setStreet ( update . getStreet ());
cust . setState ( update . getState ());
cust . setZip ( update . getZip ());
cust . setCountry ( update . getCountry ());
builder = Response . noContent ();
return builder . build ();
Finally, the update is performed.
The Client Code
The client code first performs a conditional GET. It then tries to do a conditional PUT using
a bad ETag value.
public class
class CustomerResourceTest
public void
void testCustomerResource () throws
throws Exception
WebTarget customerTarget =
client . target ( "http://localhost:8080/services/customers/1" );
Response response = customerTarget . request (). get ();
Assert . assertEquals ( 200 , response . getStatus ());
Customer cust = response . readEntity ( Customer . class );
EntityTag etag = response . getEntityTag ();
response . close ();
The testCustomerResource() method starts off by fetching a preinitialized Customer ob-
ject. It does this so that it can obtain the current ETag of the Customer representation.
System . out . println ( "Doing a conditional GET with ETag: "
+ etag . toString ());
response = customerTarget . request ()
. header ( "If-None-Match" , etag ). get ();
Assert . assertEquals ( 304 , response . getStatus ());
response . close ();
This code is performing a conditional GET. We set the If-None-Match header using the pre-
viously fetched ETag value. The client is expecting that the server will return a 304, “Not
Modified,” response.
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