Java Reference
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Chapter 25. Examples for Chapter 11
In Chapter 11 , you learned about HTTP caching techniques. Servers can tell HTTP clients if
and how long they can cache retrieved resources. You can revalidate expired caches to avoid
resending big messages by issuing conditional GET invocations. Conditional PUT operations
can be invoked for safe concurrent updates.
Example ex11_1: Caching and Concurrent Updates
The example in this chapter expands on the CustomerResource example repeated
throughout this topic to support caching, conditional GETs, and conditional PUTs.
The Server Code
The first thing is to add a hashCode() method to the Customer class:
@XmlRootElement ( name = "customer" )
public class
class Customer
public int
int hashCode ()
int result = id ;
result = 31 * result + ( firstName != null
? firstName . hashCode () : 0 );
result = 31 * result + ( lastName != null
? lastName . hashCode () : 0 );
result = 31 * result + ( street != null
? street . hashCode () : 0 );
result = 31 * result + ( city != null
null ? city . hashCode () : 0 );
result = 31 * result + ( state != null
null ? state . hashCode () : 0 );
result = 31 * result + ( zip != null
null ? zip . hashCode () : 0 );
result = 31 * result + ( country != null
? country . hashCode () : 0 );
return result ;
This method is used in the CustomerResource class to generate semi-unique ETag header
values. While a hash code calculated in this manner isn't guaranteed to be unique, there is a
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