Java Reference
In-Depth Information
This class accepts HTTP HEAD /shop requests and publishes the customers and orders link
relationships. These links point to the services represented by the CustomerResource and
OrderResource classes.
The Client Code
The client code creates a new customer and order. It then cancels the order, purges it, and, fi-
nally, relists the order entry database. All URLs are accessed via Link headers or Atom links:
public class
class OrderResourceTest
public void
void testCreateCancelPurge () throws
throws Exception
String base = "http://localhost:8080/services/shop" ;
Response response = client . target ( base ). request (). head ();
Link customers = response . getLink ( "customers" );
Link orders = response . getLink ( "orders" );
response . close ();
The testCreateCancelPurge() method starts off by doing a HEAD request to /shop to ob-
tain the service links provided by our application. The Response.getLink() method allows
you to query for a Link header sent back with the HTTP response.
System . out . println ( "** Create a customer through this URL: "
+ customers . getHref ());
Customer customer = new
new Customer ();
customer . setFirstName ( "Bill" );
customer . setLastName ( "Burke" );
customer . setStreet ( "10 Somewhere Street" );
customer . setCity ( "Westford" );
customer . setState ( "MA" );
customer . setZip ( "01711" );
customer . setCountry ( "USA" );
response = client . target ( customers ). request (). post ( Entity . xml ( customer ));
Assert . assertEquals ( 201 , response . getStatus ());
response . close ();
We create a customer in the customer database by POSTing an XML representation to the
URL referenced in the customers link relationship. This relationship is retrieved from our
initial HEAD request to /shop .
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