Java Reference
In-Depth Information
order . setId ( idCounter . incrementAndGet ());
orderDB . put ( order . getId (), order );
System . out . println ( "Created order " + order . getId ());
UriBuilder builder = uriInfo . getAbsolutePathBuilder ();
builder . path ( Integer . toString ( order . getId ()));
return Response . created ( builder . build ()). build ();
The createOrder() method handles POST /orders requests. It generates new Order IDs
and adds the posted Order instance into the order database (the map). The
UriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder() method generates the URL used to initialize the
Location header returned by the Response.created() method. You'll see later that the cli-
ent uses this URL to further manipulate the created order.
@Path ( "{id}" )
@Produces ( "application/xml" )
public Response getOrder ( @PathParam ( "id" ) int
int id ,
@Context UriInfo uriInfo )
Order order = orderDB . get ( id );
iif ( order == null
null )
throw new
new WebApplicationException ( Response . Status . NOT_FOUND );
Response . ResponseBuilder builder = Response . ok ( order );
iif (! order . isCancelled ()) addCancelHeader ( uriInfo , builder );
return builder . build ();
The getOrder() method processes GET /orders/{id} requests and retrieves individual or-
ders from the database (the map). If the order has not been cancelled already, a cancel Link
header is added to the Response so the client knows if an order can be cancelled and which
URL to post a cancel request to:
protected void
void addCancelHeader ( UriInfo uriInfo ,
Response . ResponseBuilder builder )
UriBuilder absolute = uriInfo . getAbsolutePathBuilder ();
URI cancelUrl = absolute . clone (). path ( "cancel" ). build ();
builder . links ( Link . fromUri ( cancelUrl ). rel ( "cancel" ). build ());
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