Java Reference
In-Depth Information
UriBuilder builder = uriInfo . getAbsolutePathBuilder ();
builder . queryParam ( "start" , "{start}" );
builder . queryParam ( "size" , "{size}" );
Here, the code defines a URI template by using the UriBuilder passed back from
UriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder() . The start and size query parameters are added to
the template. Their values are populated using template parameters later on when the actual
links are built.
ArrayList < Customer > list = new
new ArrayList < Customer >();
ArrayList < Link > links = new
new ArrayList < Link >();
synchronized ( customerDB )
int i = 0 ;
for ( Customer customer : customerDB . values ())
iif ( i >= start && i < start + size )
list . add ( customer );
i ++;
The code then gathers up the Customer instances that will be returned to the client based on
the start and size parameters. All this code is done within a synchronized block to pro-
tect against concurrent access on the customerDB map.
// next link
iif ( start + size < customerDB . size ())
int next = start + size ;
URI nextUri = builder . clone (). build ( next , size );
Link nextLink = Link . fromUri ( nextUri )
. rel ( "next" ). type ( "application/xml" ). build ();
links . add ( nextLink );
// previous link
iif ( start > 0 )
int previous = start - size ;
iif ( previous < 0 ) previous = 0 ;
URI previousUri = builder . clone (). build ( previous , size );
Link previousLink = Link . fromUri ( previousUri )
. rel ( "previous" )
. type ( "application/xml" ). build ();
links . add ( previousLink );
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