Java Reference
In-Depth Information
@Path ( "/customers" )
public class
class CustomerResource
CustomerResource {
@Produces ( "text/html" )
public Response createCustomer (
@FormParam ( "firstname" ) String first ,
@FormParam ( "lastname" ) String last )
The HTML form posts data to the createCustomer() method of CustomerResource when
users click the Send button:
Customer customer = new
new Customer ();
customer . setId ( idCounter . incrementAndGet ());
customer . setFirstName ( first );
customer . setLastName ( last );
customerDB . put ( customer . getId (), customer );
System . out . println ( "Created customer " + customer . getId ());
String output = "Created customer <a href=\"customers/" +
customer . getId () + "\">" + customer . getId ()
+ "</a>" ;
String lastVisit = DateFormat . getDateTimeInstance (
DateFormat . SHORT , DateFormat . LONG ). format ( new
new Date ());
return Response . created ( URI . create ( "/customers/"
+ customer . getId ()))
. entity ( output )
. cookie ( new
new NewCookie ( "last-visit" , lastVisit ))
. build ();
The createCustomer() method does a couple things. First, it uses the form data injected
with @FormParam to create a Customer object and insert it into an in-memory map. It then
builds an HTML response that shows text linking to the new customer. Finally, it sets a cook-
ie on the client by calling the ResponseBuilder.cookie() method. This cookie, named
last-visit , holds the current time and date. This cookie will be used so that on subsequent
requests, the server knows the last time the client accessed the website:
@Path ( "{id}" )
@Produces ( "text/plain" )
public Response getCustomer (
@PathParam ( "id" ) int
int id ,
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