Java Reference
In-Depth Information
@Produces ( "application/xml" )
@Path ( "uriinfo" )
public StreamingOutput getCustomers ( @Context UriInfo info )
int start = 0 ;
int size = 2 ;
iif ( info . getQueryParameters (). containsKey ( "start" ))
start = Integer . valueOf (
info . getQueryParameters (). getFirst ( "start" ));
iif ( info . getQueryParameters (). containsKey ( "size" ))
size = Integer . valueOf (
info . getQueryParameters (). getFirst ( "size" ));
return getCustomers ( start , size );
As you can see, the code to access query parameter data programmatically is a bit more verb-
ose than using injection annotations.
The Client Code
The client code for this example lives in the file src/test/java/com/restfully/shop/test/Injec- . The code is quite boring, so I won't get into too much detail.
The testCarResource() method invokes these requests on the server to test the CarRe-
source class:
GET http://localhost:8080/services/cars/matrix/mercedes/e55;color=black/2006
GET http://localhost:8080/services/cars/segment/mercedes/e55;color=black/2006
GET http://localhost:8080/services/cars/segments/mercedes/e55/amg/year/2006
GET http://localhost:8080/services/cars/uriinfo/mercedes/e55;color=black/2006
The testCustomerResource() method invokes these requests on the server to test the Cus-
tomerResource class:
GET http://localhost:8080/services/customers
GET http://localhost:8080/services/customers?start=1&size=3
GET http://localhost:8080/services/customers/uriinfo?start=2&size=2
The request without query parameters shows @DefaultValue in action. It is worth noting
how query parameters are handled in the client code. Let's look at testCustomerRe-
source() a little bit:
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