Java Reference
In-Depth Information
tomers/Bill-Burke . The name can only have letters within it, so /customers/
Bill7-Burke would result in a 404, “Not Found,” being returned to the client.
The Client Code
The client code is in src/test/java/com/restfully/shop/test/ . It is really
not much different than the code in example ex03_1 , other than the fact that it additionally
invokes the URI represented by the getCustomerFirstLast() method. If you've examined
the code from Chapter 18 , you can probably understand what is going on in this client ex-
ample, so I won't elaborate further.
Example ex04_3: Subresource Locators
The ex04_3 example implements the subresource locator example shown in Full Dynamic
Dispatching in Chapter 4 .
Build and Run the Example Program
Perform the following steps:
1. Open a command prompt or shell terminal and change to the ex04_3 directory of the
workbook example code.
2. Make sure your PATH is set up to include both the JDK and Maven, as described in
Chapter 17 .
3. Perform the build and run the example by typing maven install .
The Server Code
There's really not much to go over that wasn't explained in Chapter 4 .
The Client Code
The client code lives in src/test/java/com/restfully/shop/test/ :
public class
class CustomerResourceTest
public void
void testCustomerResource () throws
throws Exception {
public void
void testFirstLastCustomerResource () throws
throws Exception {
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