Java Reference
In-Depth Information
<groupId> org.jboss.resteasy </groupId>
<artifactId> resteasy-client </artifactId>
<version> 3.0.5.Final </version>
<groupId> org.jboss.resteasy </groupId>
<artifactId> async-http-servlet-3.0 </artifactId>
<version> 3.0.5.Final </version>
<groupId> org.jboss.resteasy </groupId>
<artifactId> jaxrs-api </artifactId>
<version> 3.0.5.Final </version>
<groupId> org.jboss.resteasy </groupId>
<artifactId> resteasy-servlet-initializer </artifactId>
<version> 3.0.5.Final </version>
<groupId> junit </groupId>
<artifactId> junit </artifactId>
<version> 4.1 </version>
<scope> test </scope>
The dependencies element lists all library dependencies our ex03_1 project needs to com-
pile and run. We are dependent on the RESTEasy project, as this is the JAX-RS implementa-
tion we are using. We are also dependent on the JUnit library for running the test code in our
project. Prior to building, Maven will search for these libraries within the remote repositories
listed in the parent POM. It will then download these libraries to your machine along with
each of the transitive dependencies that these libraries have. What do I mean by transitive
dependencies ? Well, for example, RESTEasy depends on a multitude of third-party libraries
like the servlet and JAXB APIs. The repository in which RESTEasy resides contains
metadata about RESTEasy's dependencies. Maven will discover these extra dependencies
when it tries to download the RESTEasy JAR.
Unless you define a scope element, each dependency and its transitive dependencies will be
included in your WAR's WEB-INF/lib directory when it is built. Take a look specifically at
the junit dependency:
<groupId> junit </groupId>
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