Java Reference
In-Depth Information
cessful response is 201, “Created.” Also, a Location response header is returned that points
to the newly created customer:
import org.apache.http.*
org.apache.http.* ;
import org.apache.http.client.*
org.apache.http.client.* ;
import org.apache.impl.client.*
org.apache.impl.client.* ;
public class
class MyClient
MyClient {
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args ) throws
throws Exception {
DefaultHttpClient client = new
new DefaultHttpClient ();
HttpPost post = new
new HttpPost ( "" );
StringEntity entity = new
new StringEntity ( "<customer id='333'/>" );
entity . setContentType ( "application/xml" );
post . setEntity ( entity );
HttpClientParams . setRedirection ( post . getParams (), false
false );
HttpResponse response = client . execute ( post );
iif ( response . getStatusLine (). getStatusCode () != 201 ) {
throw new
new RuntimeException ( "Operation failed: " +
response . getStatusLine (). getStatusCode ());
String location = response . getLastHeader ( "Location" )
. getValue ();
System . out . println ( "Object created at: " + location );
System . out . println ( "Content-Type: " +
response . getEntity (). getContentType (). getValue ());
BufferedReader reader = new
InputStreamReader ( response . getEntity (). getContent ()));
new BufferedReader ( new
String line = reader . readLine ();
while ( line != null
null ) {
System . out . println ( line );
line = reader . readLine ();
client . getConnectionManager (). shutdown ();
We create an org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity to encapsulate the XML we want
to send across the wire. We set its Content-Type by calling
StringEntity.setContentType() . We add the entity to the request by calling Ht-
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