Java Reference
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Base 64-encoded signature.
What's nice about DKIM is that you can include individual headers within your digital signa-
ture of the message. Usually Content-Type is included.
To verify a signature, you need a public key. DKIM uses DNS text records to discover a pub-
lic key. To find a public key, the verifier concatenates the selector ( s parameter) with the do-
main ( d parameter):
< selector >. _domainKey .< domain >
It then takes that string and does a DNS request to retrieve a TXT record under that entry. In
our previous example, would be used as the lookup
This is a very interesting way to publish public keys. For one, it becomes very easy for veri-
fiers to find public keys, as there's no real central store that is needed. Second, DNS is an in-
frastructure IT knows how to deploy. Third, signature verifiers can choose which domains
they allow requests from. If you do not want to be dependent on DNS, most DKIM frame-
works allow you to define your own mechanisms for discovering public keys.
Right now, support for DKIM in the Java world is quite limited. The RESTEasy framework
does have an API, though, if you're interested in using it.
JOSE JSON Web Signature is a self-contained signature format that contains both the mes-
sage you want to sign as well as the digital signature of the message. [ 18 ] The format is com-
pletely text-based and very compact. It consists of three Base 64-encoded strings delimited
by a . character. The three encoded strings in the JOSE JWS format are a JSON header de-
scribing the message, the actual message that is being transmitted, and finally the digital sig-
nature of the message. The media type for JOSE JWS is application/jose+json . Here's
what a full HTTP response containing JWS might look like:
HTTP / 1.1 200 OOK
Content-Type : application/jose+json
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