Java Reference
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Verifying the Server
HTTPS isn't only about encrypting your network connection, it is also about establishing
trust. One aspect of this on the client side is verifying that the server you are talking to is the
actual server you want to talk to and not some middleman on the network that is spoofing it.
With most secure Internet servers, you do not have to worry about establishing trust because
the server's certificates are signed by a trusted authority like VeriSign, and your JAX-RS cli-
ent implementation will know how to verify certificates signed by these authorities.
In some cases, though, especially in test environments, you may be dealing with servers
whose certificates are self-signed or signed by an unknown authority. In this case, you must
obtain a truststore that contains the server certificates you trust and register them with the
Client API. The ClientBuilder has a method for this:
abstract class
class ClientBuilder
ClientBuilder {
public abstract
abstract ClientBuilder trustStore ( final
final KeyStore trustStore );
How you initialize and populate the KeyStore is beyond the scope of this topic.
OAuth 2.0
OAuth 2.0 is an authentication protocol that allows an entity to gain access to a user's data in
a secure manner without having to know the user's credentials. [ 15 ] A typical example is a
news site like You're reading an interesting political editorial and want to voice
your opinion on the article in its comment section. To do this, though, you have to tell CNN
who you are and what your email address is. It gives you the option of logging in via your
Google or Facebook account. You are forwarded to Google and log in there. You grant CNN
permission to ask Google who you are and what your email address is, and then you are for-
warded back to so that you can enter in your comment. Through this interaction
CNN is granted an access token, which it then uses to obtain information about you via a
seperate HTTP request.
Here's how it works:
1. The CNN website redirects your browser to Google's login page. This redirect sets a
special session cookie that contains a randomly generated value. The redirect
URL contains client_id , state , and redirect_uri . The client_id is the Google
username CNN has registered with The state parameter is the same
value that was set in the session cookie. The redirect_uri is a URL you want
Google to redirect the browser back to after authentication. A possible redirect URL
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