Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The servlet-name is the fully qualified class name of your Application class. With this
configuration, you can also omit the @ApplicationPath annotation entirely.
Deployment Within a JAX-RS-Unaware Container
If you are running in 2.x or older Servlet containers, you'll have to manually configure your
web.xml file to load your JAX-RS implementation's proprietary servlet class. For example:
<? xml version = "1.0" ?>
< web - app >
< servlet >
< servlet - name > JAXRS </ servlet - name >
< servlet - class >
org . jboss . resteasy . plugins . server . servlet . HttpServletDispatcher
</ servlet - class >
< init - param >
< param - name >
javax . ws . rs . Application
</ param - name >
< param - value >
com . restfully . shop . services . ShoppingApplication
</ param - value >
</ init - param >
</ servlet >
< servlet - mapping >
< servlet - name > JAXRS </ servlet - name >
< url - pattern >/*</ url - pattern >
</ servlet - mapping >
</ web - app >
Here, we've registered and initialized the RESTEasy JAX-RS implementation with the
ShoppingApplication class we created earlier in this chapter. The <servlet-mapping>
element specifies the base URI path for the JAX-RS runtime. The /* <url-pattern> speci-
fies that all incoming requests should be routed through our JAX-RS implementation.
All the examples in this topic so far have been simple and pretty self-contained. Your REST-
ful web services will probably need to sit in front of a database and interact with other local
and remote services. Your services will also need configuration settings that are described
outside of code. I don't want to get into too much detail, but the servlet and Java EE specific-
ations provide annotations and XML configurations that allow you to get access to various
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