Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Let's look at a simple example of an Application class:
package com . restfully . shop . services ;
import ;
public class
class ShoppingApplication
ShoppingApplication extends
extends Application {
public ShoppingApplication () {}
public Set < Class <?>> getClasses () {
HashSet < Class <?>> set = new
new HashSet < Class <?>>();
set . add ( CustomerResource . class );
set . add ( OrderResource . class );
set . add ( ProduceResource . class );
return set ;
public Set < Object > getSingletons () {
JsonWriter json = new
new JsonWriter ();
CreditCardResource service = new
new CreditCardResource ();
HashSet < Object > set = new
new HashSet ();
set . add ( json );
set . add ( service );
return set ;
Here, we have a ShoppingApplication class that extends the Application class. The
getClasses() method allocates a HashSet , populates it with @Path annotated classes, and
returns the set. The getSingletons() method allocates a MessageBodyWriter class named
JsonWriter and an @Path annotated class CreditCardResource . It then creates a HashSet
and adds these instances to it. This set is returned by the method.
Deployment Within a JAX-RS-Aware Container
Java EE stands for Java Enterprise Edition. It is the umbrella specification of JAX-RS and
defines a complete enterprise platform that includes services like a servlet container, EJB,
transaction manager (JTA), messaging (JMS), connection pooling (JCA), database persisten-
ce (JPA), web framework (JSF), and a multitude of other services. Application servers that
are certified under Java EE 6 are required to have built-in support for JAX-RS 1.1. Java EE 7
containers are required to have built-in support for JAX-RS 2.0.
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