Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Internally, a Response object is built with a 503 status code. For cancel() methods that ac-
cept input, the parameter is used to initialize a Retry-After HTTP response header.
Status Methods
There's a few status methods on AsyncResponse that specify the state of the response:
public interface
interface AsyncResponse
AsyncResponse {
boolean isSuspended ();
boolean isCancelled ();
boolean isDone ();
The AsyncResponse.isCancelled() method can be called to see if a AsyncResponse has
been cancelled. isSuspended() specifies whether or not the response can have resume() or
cancel() invoked. The isDone() method tells you if the response is finished.
If an AsyncResponse is not resumed or cancelled, it will eventually time out. The default
timeout is container-specific. A timeout results in a 503, “Service Unavailable,” response
code sent back to the client. You can explicitly set the timeout by invoking the
setTimeout() method:
response . setTimeout ( 5 , TimeUnit . SECONDS );
You can also register a callback that is triggered when a timeout occurs by implementing the
TimeoutHandler interface. For example:
response . setTimeoutHandler (
new TimeoutHandler {
void handleTimeout ( AsyncResponse response ) {
response . resume ( Response . serverError (). build ());
Here, instead of sending the default 503 response code to the client on a timeout, the ex-
ample registers a TimeoutHandler that sends a 500 response code instead.
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