Java Reference
In-Depth Information
try {
Order result2 = future2 . get ( 5 , TimeUnit . SECONDS );
} catch
catch ( TimeoutException timeout ) {
System . err . println ( "request timed out" );
} catch
catch ( InterruptedException ie ) {
System . err . println ( "Request was interrupted" );
} catch
catch ( ExecutionException ee ) {
Throwable cause = ee . getCause ();
iif ( cause instanceof
instanceof WebApplicationException ) {
( WebApplicationException ) wae = ( WebApplicationException ) cause ;
wae . close ();
} else
instanceof ResponseProcessingException ) {
ResponseProcessingException rpe = ( ResponseProcessingException ) cause ;
rpe . close ();
} else
else iif ( cause instanceof
instanceof ProcessingException ) {
// handle processing exception
} else
else iif ( cause instanceof
else {
// unknown
As you can see, there's a few more try/catch blocks we need to add to make sure that the
response of each async request is closed.
Using Callbacks
The AsyncInvoker interface has an additional callback invocation style. You can register an
object that will be called back when the asynchronous invocation is ready for processing:
package javax . ws . rs . client ;
public interface
AsyncInvoker {
< T > Future < T > get ( InvocationCallback < T > callback );
< T > Future < T > post ( Entity <?> entity , InvocationCallback < T > callback );
< T > Future < T > put ( Entity <?> entity , InvocationCallback < T > callback );
< T > Future < T > delete ( Entity <?> entity , InvocationCallback < T > callback );
interface AsyncInvoker
The InvocationCallback interface is a parameterized generic interface and has two simple
methods you have to implement—one for successful responses, the other for failures:
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