Java Reference
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The Future interface is defined within the java.util.concurrent package that comes with
the JDK. For JAX-RS, it gives us a nice reusable interface for polling HTTP responses in
either a blocking or nonblocking manner. If you've used
java.util.concurrent.Executors or @Asynchronous within an EJB container, using the
Future interface should be very familiar to you.
package java . util . concurrent ;
public interface
interface Future
Future < V > {
boolean cancel ( boolean
boolean mayInterruptIfRunning );
boolean isCancelled ();
boolean isDone ();
V get () throws
throws InterruptedException , ExecutionException ;
V get ( long
long timeout , TimeUnit unit )
throws InterruptedException , ExecutionException , TimeoutException ;
This is best explained in a full example:
Client client = ClientBuilder . newClient ();
Future < Response > future1 = client . target ( "" )
. request ()
. async (). get ();
Future < Order > future2 = client . target ( "" )
. request ()
. async (). get ( Order . class );
// block until complete
Response res1 = future1 . get ();
Customer result1 = res . readEntity ( Customer . class );
// Wait 5 seconds
try {
Order result2 = future2 . get ( 5 , TimeUnit . SECONDS );
} catch
catch ( TimeoutException timeout ) {
... handle exception ...
In this example, two separate requests are executed in parallel. With future1 we want a full . After executing both requests, we poll and block indefinitely
on future1 by calling Future.get() until we get a Response back from that service.
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