Java Reference
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Chapter 13. Asynchronous JAX-RS
Another interesting new feature introduced in JAX-RS 2.0 is asynchronous request and re-
sponse processing both on the client and server side. If you are mashing together a lot of data
from different websites or you have something like a stock quote application that needs to
push events to hundreds or thousands of idle blocking clients, then the JAX-RS 2.0 asyn-
chronous APIs are worth looking into.
AsyncInvoker Client API
The client asynchronous API allows you to spin off a bunch of HTTP requests in the back-
ground and then either poll for a response, or register a callback that is invoked when the
HTTP response is available. To invoke an HTTP request asynchronously on the client, you
interact with the interface or the submit() methods
on . First, let's take a look at polling HTTP requests that
are run in the background.
Using Futures
The AsyncInvoker interface has a bunch of methods that invoke HTTP requests asynchron-
ously and that return a java.util.concurrent.Future instance. You can use the AsyncIn-
voker methods by invoking the async() method on the Invocation.Builder interface.
package javax . ws . rs . client ;
public interface
AsyncInvoker {
Future < Response > get ();
< T > Future < T > get ( Class < T > responseType );
interface AsyncInvoker
Future < Response > put ( Entity <?> entity );
< T > Future < T > put ( Entity <?> entity , Class < T > responseType );
Future < Response > post ( Entity <?> entity );
< T > Future < T > post ( Entity <?> entity , Class < T > responseType );
Future < Response > delete ( Entity <?> entity );
< T > Future < T > delete ( Entity <?> entity , Class < T > responseType );
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