Java Reference
In-Depth Information
System . out . println ( match . getClass (). getName ());
The for loop in getCustomer() prints out the class names of the JAX-RS resource objects
that were used to process the request. If the request is GET
ers/usa-db/333 , the output of the for loop would be:
com . acme . CustomerDatabaseResource
com . acme . CustomerResource
Again, I'm hard-pressed to find a use case for this method, but it's in the specification and
you should be aware of it.
Building Links and Link Headers
JAX-RS 2.0 added some support to help you build Link headers and to embed links in your
XML documents through the Link and Link.Builder classes:
package javax . ws . rs . core ;
public abstract
abstract class
class Link
Link {
public abstract
abstract URI getUri ();
public abstract
abstract UriBuilder getUriBuilder ();
public abstract
abstract String getRel ();
public abstract
abstract List < String > getRels ();
public abstract
abstract String getTitle ();
public abstract
abstract String getType ();
public abstract
abstract Map < String , String > getParams ();
public abstract
abstract String toString ();
Link is an abstract class that represents all the metadata contained in either a Link header or
Atom link. The getUri() method pertains to the href attribute of your Atom link. getRel()
pertains to the rel attribute, and so on. You can also reference any of these attributes as well
as any proprietary extension attributes through the getParams() method. The toString()
method will convert the Link instance into a Link header.
Link instances are built through a Link.Builder , which is created by one of these methods:
public abstract
abstract class
class Link
Link {
public static
static Builder fromUri ( URI uri )
public static
static Builder fromUri ( String uri )
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