Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public UriBuilder getRequestUriBuilder ();
public URI getAbsolutePath ();
public UriBuilder getAbsolutePathBuilder ();
public URI getBaseUri ();
public UriBuilder getBaseUriBuilder ();
For example, let's say you have a JAX-RS service that exposes the customers in a customer
database. Instead of having a base URI that returns all customers in a document, you want to
embed previous and next links so that you can navigate through subsections of the data-
base (I described an example of this earlier in this chapter). You will want to create these link
relations using the URI to invoke the request:
@Path ( "/customers" )
public class
class CustomerService
CustomerService {
@Produces ( "application/xml" )
public String getCustomers ( @Context UriInfo uriInfo ) {
UriBuilder nextLinkBuilder = uriInfo . getAbsolutePathBuilder ();
nextLinkBuilder . queryParam ( "start" , 5 );
nextLinkBuilder . queryParam ( "size" , 10 );
URI next = nextLinkBuilder . build ();
... set up the rest of the document ...
To get access to a UriInfo instance that represents the request, we use the annotation to inject it as a parameter to the JAX-RS resource
method getCustomers() . Within getCustomers() , we call ur-
iInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder() to obtain a preinitialized UriBuilder . Depending on
how this service was deployed, the URI created might look like this:
http: //
UriInfo also allows you to relativize a URI based on the current request URI.
public URI relativize ( URI uri );
So, for example, if the current request was http://localhost/root/a/b/c and you passed
a/d/e as a parameter to the relativize() method, then the returned URI would be ../../
d/e . The root segment is the context root of your JAX-RS deployment. Relativization is
based off of this root.
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