Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Viewing Accept headers
In Chapter 5 , you were introduced to , the JAX-RS utility
interface. This interface contains some preprocessed conneg information about the incoming
HTTP request:
public interface
interface HttpHeaders
HttpHeaders {
public List < MediaType > getAcceptableMediaTypes ();
public List < Locale > getAcceptableLanguages ();
The getAcceptableMediaTypes() method contains a list of media types defined in the
HTTP request's Accept header. It is preparsed and represented as a . The returned list is also sorted based on the “q” values (ex-
plicit or implicit) of the preferred media types, with the most desired listed first.
The getAcceptableLanguages() method processes the HTTP request's Accept-Language
header. It is preparsed and represented as a list of java.util.Locale objects. As with
getAcceptableMediaTypes() , the returned list is sorted based on the “q” values of the pre-
ferred languages, with the most desired listed first.
You inject a reference to HttpHeaders using the annotation.
Here's how your code might look:
@Path ( "/myservice" )
public class
class MyService
MyService {
public Response get ( @Context HttpHeaders headers ) {
MediaType type = headers . getAcceptableMediaTypes (). get ( 0 );
Locale language = headers . getAcceptableLanguages (). get ( 0 );
Object responseObject = ...;
Response . ResponseBuilder builder = Response . ok ( responseObject , type );
builder . language ( language );
return builder . build ();
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