Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Here, we have three methods that all service the same URI but produce different data
formats. JAX-RS can pick one of these methods based on what is in the Accept header. For
example, let's say a client made this request:
GET http: //
Accept: application / json ; q = 1.0 , application / xml ; q = 0.5
The JAX-RS provider would dispatch this request to the getCustomerJson() method.
Leveraging Conneg with JAXB
In Chapter 6 , I showed you how to use JAXB annotations to map Java objects to and from
XML and JSON. If you leverage JAX-RS integration with conneg, you can implement one
Java method that can service both formats. This can save you from writing a whole lot of
boilerplate code:
@Path ( "/service" )
public class
class MyService
MyService {
@Produces ({ "application/xml" , "application/json" })
public Customer getCustomer ( @PathParam ( "id" ) int
int id ) {...}
In this example, our getCustomer() method produces either XML or JSON, as denoted by
the @Produces annotation applied to it. The returned object is an instance of a Java class,
Customer , which is annotated with JAXB annotations. Since most JAX-RS implementations
support using JAXB to convert to XML or JSON, the information contained within our Ac-
cept header can pick which MessageBodyWriter to use to marshal the returned Java object.
Complex Negotiation
Sometimes simple matching of the Accept header with a JAX-RS method's @Produces an-
notation is not enough. Different JAX-RS methods that service the same URI may be able to
deal with different sets of media types, languages, and encodings. Unfortunately, JAX-RS
does not have the notion of either an @ProduceLanguages or @ProduceEncodings annota-
tion. Instead, you must code this yourself by looking at header values directly or by using the
JAX-RS API for managing complex conneg. Let's look at both.
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