Java Reference
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. accept ( "application/json" )
. get ();
try {
iif ( response . getStatus () == 200 ) {
Customer customer = response . readEntity ( Customer . class );
} finally
finally {
response . close ();
In this example, we invoke an HTTP GET to obtain a Response object. We check that the
status is OK and if so, extract a Customer object from the returned JSON document by invok-
ing Response.readEntity() . The readEntity() method matches up the requested Java
type and the response content with an appropriate MessageBodyReader . This method can be
invoked only once unless you buffer the response with the bufferEntity() method. For ex-
Response response = client . target ( "" )
. accept ( "application/json" )
. get ();
try {
iif ( response . getStatus () == 200 ) {
response . bufferEntity ();
Customer customer = response . readEntity ( Customer . class );
Map rawJson = response . readEntity ( Map . class );
} finally
finally {
response . close ();
In this example, the call to bufferEntity() allows us to extract the HTTP response content
into different Java types, the first type being a Customer and the second a java.util.Map
that represents raw JSON data. If we didn't buffer the entity, the second readEntity() call
would result in an IllegalStateException .
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