Java Reference
In-Depth Information
list . add ( new
new Customer (...));
GenericEntity entity = new GenericEntity < List < Customer >>( list ){};
return Response . ok ( entity ). build ();
The GenericEntity class is a Java generic template. What you do here is create an anonym-
ous class that extends GenericEntity , initializing the GenericEntity 's template with the
generic type you're using. If this looks a bit magical, it is. The creators of Java generics
made things a bit difficult, so we're stuck with this solution.
Exception Handling
Errors can be reported to a client either by creating and returning the appropriate Response
object or by throwing an exception. Application code is allowed to throw any checked
(classes extending java.lang.Exception ) or unchecked (classes extending
java.lang.RuntimeException ) exceptions they want. Thrown exceptions are handled by
the JAX-RS runtime if you have registered an exception mapper. Exception mappers can
convert an exception to an HTTP response. If the thrown exception is not handled by a map-
per, it is propagated and handled by the container (i.e., servlet) JAX-RS is running within.
JAX-RS also provides the . This can be thrown
by application code and automatically processed by JAX-RS without having to write an ex-
plicit mapper. Let's look at how to use the WebApplicationException first. We'll then ex-
amine how to write your own specific exception mappers.
JAX-RS has a built-in unchecked exception that applications can throw. This exception is
preinitialized with either a Response or a particular status code:
public class
class WebApplicationException
WebApplicationException extends
extends RuntimeException {
public WebApplicationException () {...}
public WebApplicationException ( Response response ) {...}
public WebApplicationException ( int
int status ) {...}
public WebApplicationException ( Response . Status status ) {...}
public WebApplicationException ( Throwable cause ) {...}
public WebApplicationException ( Throwable cause ,
Response response ) {...}
public WebApplicationException ( Throwable cause , int
int status ) {...}
public WebApplicationException ( Throwable cause ,
Response . Status status ) {...}
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