Java Reference
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< T extends
extends Throwable > ExceptionMapper < T >
getExceptionMapper ( Class < T > type );
We use the Providers.getContextResolver() method to find a ContextResolver . We in-
ject a reference to a Providers object using the @Context annotation. Let's modify our
JAXBMarshaller class to add this new functionality:
protected Providers providers ;
public void
void writeTo ( Object target ,
Class <?> type ,
Type genericType ,
Annotation [] annotations ,
MediaType mediaType ,
MultivaluedMap < String , Object > httpHeaders ,
OutputStream outputStream ) throws
throws IOException
try {
JAXBContext ctx = null
null ;
ContextResolver < JAXBContext > resolver =
providers . getContextResolver ( JAXBContext . class , mediaType );
iif ( resolver != null
null ) {
ctx = resolver . getContext ( type );
iif ( ctx == null
null ) {
// create one ourselves
ctx = JAXBContext . newInstance ( type );
ctx . createMarshaller (). marshal ( target , outputStream );
} catch
catch ( JAXBException ex ) {
throw new
new RuntimeException ( ex );
In our writeTo() method, we now use the Providers interface to find a ContextResolver
that can give us a custom JAXBContext . If one exists, we call resolver.getContext() ,
passing in the type of the object we want a JAXBContext for.
The ContextResolver returned by Providers.getContextResolver() is actually a proxy
that sits in front of a list of ContextResolvers that can provide JAXBContext instances.
When getContextResolver() is invoked, the proxy iterates on this list, recalling getCon-
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