Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Jackson framework's JAX-RS integration actually does all this work for you, so all you
have to do in your JAX-RS classes is specify the output and input format as application/
json when writing your JAX-RS methods.
Custom Marshalling
So far in this chapter, we've focused on built-in JAX-RS handlers that can marshal and un-
marshal message content. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of data formats available on the
Internet, and the built-in JAX-RS handlers are either too low level to be useful or may not
match the format you need. Luckily, JAX-RS allows you to write your own handlers and
plug them into the JAX-RS runtime.
To illustrate how to write your own handlers, we're going to pretend that there is no built-in
JAX-RS JAXB support and instead write one ourselves using JAX-RS APIs.
The first thing we're going to implement is JAXB-marshalling support. To automatically
convert Java objects into XML, we have to create a class that implements the interface:
public interface
interface MessageBodyWriter
MessageBodyWriter < T > {
boolean isWriteable ( Class <?> type , Type genericType ,
Annotation annotations [],
MediaType mediaType );
long getSize ( T t , Class <?> type , Type genericType ,
Annotation annotations [], MediaType mediaType );
void writeTo ( T t , Class <?> type , Type genericType ,
Annotation annotations [],
MediaType mediaType ,
MultivaluedMap < String , Object > httpHeaders ,
OutputStream entityStream )
throws IOException , WebApplicationException ;
The MessageBodyWriter interface has only three methods. The isWriteable() method is
called by the JAX-RS runtime to determine if the writer supports marshalling the given type.
The getSize() method is called by the JAX-RS runtime to determine the Content-Length
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