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during the bulking phase. The major potato
tuber protein is patatin, a family of 40-42   kDa
glycoproteins that can represent around 40% of
the soluble protein in tubers (Mignery et  al.,
1988). Besides starch and other storage pro-
teins, the accumulation of metabolites like
amino acids, flavonoids, carotenoids, and other
health-related compounds requires additional
signaling and gene regulatory networks, and
variation between cultivars is often genetic-
ally controlled. Similar to the unraveling of
the genes driving tuber initiation and growth,
the elucidation of genes with functions im-
pacting nutritional content and appearance is
needed to understand which genes make the
potato tuber.
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Ducreux, L.J., Morris, W.L., Prosser, I.M., Morris, J.A., Beale, M.H., Wright, F., et al . (2008) Expression pro-
filing of potato germplasm differentiated in quality traits leads to the identification of candidate flavour
and texture genes. Journal of Experimental Botany 59, 4219-4231.
Ewing, E.E. (1987) The role of hormones in potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) tuberization. In: Davies, P.J. (ed.)
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