Geography Reference
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Table 2.1
Development of WRF model with ARW dynamic core
WRF V1.0
The first version was released
WRF V1.1.1
The third version was released. WRF V1.1 was not changed much,
except for two error revision
WRF V1.2
The fourth version was officially released. Then V1.2.1 was released in
May 22nd
WRF V1.3
WRF V2.0
The nested versions was released, including single and double nested
and 3-dimensional variational data assimilation system (3DVAR),
and NMM was added and EM nesting was released
WRF V2.1
EM becomes ARW
WRF V2.2
WRF preprocessing system (WPS) was issued to replace the WRF
standard initialization (WRF SI), and WPS was released
WRF V3.0
WPS has been used, adding global ARW version
WRF V3.1
WRF V3.2
WRF V3.3
4DVAR was updated
QNSE PBL method was added, as well as the Noah MP(multi-physics)
land surface model, and variation of sea-ice albedo with T were
allowed, thus, Noah and Noah MP were in new shared sea-ice
Sfclay option 1 code was modified and cleaned up.
New land-surface models such as RUC LSM, PX LSM, and CLM4
land were included.
The key consideration of WRF model is to forecast the important weather
process from the cloud scale to the synoptic scale, including pre-processing
module WPS (WRF processing system) and main module ARW. WPS is not only
the pre-processing part of mode data, but also the part that provides some initial
boundary before the three-dimensional variation systems established. It is mainly
responsible for the standard grid data preprocessing and terrain data preprocessing.
WPS modules include three sub-modules: geogrid, ungrib, metgrid. Among them,
main function of geogrid is to define and create land patterns. In the geogrid
module, users can set the projection domain, range size, regional location, nesting,
and other parameters. According to these custom settings, geogrid will interpolate
topography, land use, soil type, and other data to the defined region network, the
data format is NetCDF. Ungrib module's main function is converting standard grib
files into ones that can be recognized by metgrid. Typically grib files have many
different formats; the same meteorological elements may have different elements
code. For these different formats, WPS provides the corresponding Vtable function
pointer, such as AWIP, GFS, etc. Metgrid module is for meteorological data
interpolation. It interpolates the meteorological of large area into calculated grid of
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