Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5-18. Here you can see the Performance Explorer running for my game.
There isn't much out of the ordinary in here but, as you can see, my game loop's two main
functions (draw and update) are in the “Hot Path” showing what methods are taking up a lot
of resources. There is not much I can do about this outside of trying to lower the number of
executions in these two calls, but you may see something else showing up on here that you
may have overlooked when building the game for the browser.
Optimizing for the Lowest Common Denominator
This is a common technique when building any type of game; you always want to build for
the lowest end of your game's specs. More times than not, your audience will be using
slower computers than what you are developing on. Even if your game runs great on a top-
of-the-line gaming PC, you still need to take into account the slower end of the computing
spectrum: budget PCs. One of the best ways to test is to have a device of your own. In the
beginning of the topic I talked about different form factors, but here is a basic breakdown of
processors you will want to support:
▪ ARM - The slowest Windows 8 devices, these are basically mobile devices. These will
be on par with other mobile devices, such as phones and tablets. They also have the low-
est resolution.
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