Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 10. Windows 8 Resources
While I tried my best to cover the most critical techniques you will need to know in order to
successfully port your HTML5 games over to Windows 8 there are still some additional re-
sources you can use to continue on your journey to publishing HTML5 games to Windows 8.
To help you out, I have created this resources section to help offer more detailed examples of
code to help take advantage of on Windows 8. Feel free to go through the content and links
provided here to further enhance your HTML5 game on Windows 8.
Port to Windows 8 Task List
By now you have seen all of the detailed information you will need to know when porting
over you game. To help you keep track of everything, I have created this handy checklist you
can walk through in order to help better prepare for the porting process.
1. Run your game in IE10 first.
2. Import code into the Visual Studio project.
3. Connect up code in default.html.
4. Test run to make sure the game works on Windows 8.
5. Add logic to resize the game (support for full-screen, filled, and snap view).
6. Create a basic Live Tile.
7. Add a privacy policy.
8. Test your game and optimize.
9. Publish the game.
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