Game Development Reference
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From here you will need to add some HTML to your new file. I got this text from Keith
Peters, who in turn also failed to pass certification due to a missing privacy policy. He found
this online and, if your app is doing serious things, you could consult someone such as a law-
yer on what your privacy policy should say. My app doesn't do anything with its Internet
connection so I am comfortable with the following text, but I assume no responsibility if you
end up sticking it in your app as is. Here is the template:
< !doctype HTML>
<title>App settings flyout</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/settings.js"></script>
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.SettingsFlyout"
" id="privacyPolicy"
data-win-options="{settingsCommandId:'privacyPolicy', width:'narrow'}">
<div class="win-ui-dark win-header">
<button type="button" onclick=""
<div class="win-label">Privacy Policy</div>
<div class="win-content">
<p>This application does not share personal information with third
parties nor does it store any information about you.</p>
<p>This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last
updated on [INSERT DATE]. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly
at <a href="mailto:[INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS]">[INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS]</a>.</p>
Now you just need a quick way to add this to your app. Add the following code in your de-
fault.js file inside of the activated event listener:
WinJS.Application.onsettings = function (e) {
e.detail.applicationcommands = { "privacyPolicy": { title: "Privacy Policy",
href: "/pages/settings/privacy.html" } };
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