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Reflection 4: As stated in the Fukui Declaration 8 , smart grid technologies, in-
cluding advanced batteries for highly-e cient and cost-effective energy storage, can
help integrate those intermittent renewable power sources and building control sys-
tems that allow businesses and domestic consumers to use energy more e ciently.
Such developments also serve to enhance the reliability of electricity supply, ex-
tending the useful life of power system components and reducing operating system
Principle 4: E ciency vs. E cacy
E ciency is hard to match with e cacy. E cacy is achieving something regardless
of cost; e ciency is the art of doing so with as few resources as possible.
Corollary 1: Doing things well takes time. Find the equilibrium.
Corollary 2: Nature has its pace. Adapt designs and processes to “her” rhythms.
Corollary 3: Getting things faster means more heat, more chemicals, more
water, more e uents, more solid waste and special hardware requirements.
Consider time as a resource that ultimately saves more resources.
Reflection: Many natural things cannot be forced to move faster 9 nor is substi-
tution always possible - nine women cannot form a child in one month! For instance,
the size of a heat exchanger is given by the speed in which heat is transferred. A
compromise between residence time, heat transfer area and temperature differences
should be made.
Principle 5: Aristotle-Leonardo-Commoner 10 principle
Any system is part of a greater one, and everything is connected to everything else.
Corollary 1: Recognise system components and their interconnections.
Corollary 2: If a system is not integrated, integrate it and make it multifunc-
tional; there will be great opportunities for resource savings.
8 Fukui Declaration from the Ninth Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Energy Min-
isters Meeting (EMM-9). http : ==www:pnl:gov=main=publications=external=technical_reports
=pnnl 20389:pdf: Accessed March, 2013.
9 McDonough and Braungart (2002) ironically wrote: “If brute force doesn't work, you are not
using enough of it”.
10 Barry Commoner proposed the principle of connectedness as the first law of Ecology: everything
is connected to everything else (Commoner, 1971).
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