Biomedical Engineering Reference
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16.24. Organism A grows on substrate S and produces product P, which is the only substrate
that organism B can utilize. The batch kinetics gives rise to
d X A
d t ¼ m Amax S
K S þS X A
d X B
d t ¼ m Bmax P
K P þP X B
d P
d t ¼ YF P=A m Amax S
YF B=P m Bmax P
K S þS X A
K P þP X B
YF P = A
d S
d t ¼
YF A=S m Amax S
YF P=S m Amax S
K S þS X A
K S þS X A
Assume the following parameter values:
m Amax ¼ 0.18 h 1 ;
m Bmax ¼ 0.29 h 1 , K S ¼ 0.42 g/L, K P ¼ 0.30 g/L, YF A/S ¼ 0.30 g/g,
YF B/S ¼ 0.5 g/g, YF P/S ¼ 1.0 g/g, YF P/A ¼ 4.0 g/g, S 0 ¼ 10 g/L.
Determine the behavior of these two organisms in a chemostat. Plot S, P, X A , and X B
versus dilution rate. Discuss what happens to organism B as the dilution rate
approaches the washout dilution rate for organism A.
16.25. An activated-sludge waste treatment system ( Fig. P16.25 ) is required to reduce the
amount of BOD 5 from 1 to 0.02 g/L at the exit. The sedimentation unit concentrates
biomass by a factor of 3. Kinetic parameters are
m max ¼ 0.2 h 1 ; K S ¼ 0.08 g/L, YF X/S ¼
0.50 g-MLVSS/g-BOD 5 , k d ¼ 0.01 h 1 . The flow of wastewater is 10,000 l/h and the
size of the treatment basin is 50,000 L.
(a) What is the value of the net specific growth rate of cells,
m net ?
(b) What value of the recycle ratio must be used?
Q , S 0
(1 -
s )
X , S
Waste water
S e ,
X e
(1 +
V, X, S
S R ,
R + y s )
Activated sludge reactor
S R =
S e
X R =
c R X
y s Q, S
R ,
Excess sludge
FIGURE P16.25 Schematic of an activated sludge waste treatment system.
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