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perfect. In practice, because of the error in data, one is not to expect a perfect match between
the data and the model. The ratio of the unexplained variation to the total variation is called
random factor :
ðn 1Þs 2
P i ¼ 1 ðy i 2
TV ¼
F R ¼
The complementary of the random factor is usually called the coefficient of determination and is
defined by
ðn 1Þs 2
P i ¼ 1 ðy i 2
R 2 ¼ 1 F R ¼ 1
The square root of the coefficient of determination, R , is called the correlation coefficient , which
is sometimes called as correlation in short. Therefore, from parametric estimation point of
view, the higher the value of R , the more reliable are the model parameters. If R is close to
0orif F R is close to unity, we say that x i and y i are not correlated (randomly related). If R
is close to unity or random factor is close to zero, we say that x i and y i are strongly correlated
by the model.
From Eqn (7.26) , the correlation coefficient can be obtained in general as
1 F R
ðn 1Þs 2
P i ¼1 y i n P i ¼ 1 y i 2
R ¼
2 or the
unexplained variations at final correlation conditions is readily available. Therefore, compu-
tation of R will not require extensive computational effort. The value of R is frequently used
as an indicator to the quality of fit.
For the flow rate versus rotameter reading data in Table 7.1 , the regression model is linear.
Minimizing the variance of the data around the model yield the final model as given by
y ¼ 0:0661 þ 0:05842x
2 , the computation of the minimum
If the regression is carried out by minimizing
and the variance of the data in Table 7.1 around the model, Eqn (7.28) , is given by
s 2 ¼ 0:001554
From the data in Table 7.1 , we can also compute
y i ¼ 218:1895;
y i ¼ 56:75405
i ¼ 1
i ¼ 1
ðn 1Þs 2
P i ¼ 1 y i n P i ¼ 1 y i 2
ð19 1Þ0:001554
218:1895 1
R ¼
¼ 0:999712
19 56:75405 2
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