Biomedical Engineering Reference
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These equations become more illustrative if we consider the initial values (subscript 0)
before the reaction takes place. Equation (3.55) leads to
n NO þ 2
n N 2 ¼
n NO ;0 þ 2
n N 2 ;0
which can be rearranged to give
n NO
n NO ;0 ¼ 2 n N 2
n N 2 ;0
n NO
n NO ;0
n N 2
n N 2 ;0
D n NO
n NO ¼ D n N 2
n N 2
In general, for any single reaction, we can write
D n j
n j ¼
n ext ; c
and we can write N S
1 independent combinations of these relations among N S chemical
species in a reaction to relate the changes in the number of moles of all species to each other.
There is therefore always a single composition variable that describes the relationship among
all species in a single reaction. In the preceding Eqn (3.61) , we defined n ext as the relation
between the n j 's,
n j ¼
n j; 0 þ
v j n ext
We call the quantity n ext the number of moles extent.
For simple problems, we most commonly use one of the reactants as the concentration
variable to work with and label that species A to use C A as the variable representing compo-
sition changes during reaction. We also make the stoichiometric coefficient of that species
v A ¼
Another way of representing a single reaction is the fractional conversion f, a dimensionless
quantity ranging from 0, before reaction, to 1, when the reaction is complete. We define f
through the relation
n A 0 1
f A
n A ¼
To make 0
1, we have to choose species A as the limiting reactant so that this reactant
disappears and f A approaches unity when the reaction is complete. We can then define all
species through the relation
f A
D n j
n j ¼
n A 0
f A ; c
For multiple reactions, we need a variable to describe each reaction. Furthermore, we
cannot in general find a single key reactant to call species A in the definition of f A . However,
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