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29. Charles Tennant, M. Boonkrong, and P. Roberts (2002)
have suggested three kinds of post-training assessments
- an “immediate test” when the training has been
completed, an “intermediate test” when the trainee has
returned to the job, and an “ultimate test” to measure
behavioral changes.
30. See Donald L. Kirkpatrick (1994). The best justifi cation
for trainers' existence is probably record-keeping that
satisfi es the needs of operational staff and GXP auditors.
11.8 References
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Managing Records in Contemporary Organizations ,
Pittsburgh, PA: Archives and Museum Informatics.
Duff, W. (1995) Ensuring the preservation of reliable
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Engebretson, J. (2006) Federal agencies must begin to
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Sec. Dist. Market . 36(8), 61.
FDA (2007) Guidance for Industry: Computerized Systems
Used in Clinical Investigations , Washington, DC: Offi ce
of the Commissioner, FDA, May.
Fischer, L. (2006) Condition critical: developing records
retention schedules. Info. Man. J. 40(1), 26-34.
Hedstrom, M. (ed.) (1993) Electronic Records Management
Program Strategies , Pittsburgh, PA: Archives and Museum
Kirkpatrick, D.L. (1994) Evaluating Training Programs , San
Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, p. 18.
Matus, R. (2007) It is no longer business as usual when it
comes to handling electronic documents. J. Health Care
Comp. 9(2), 11-73.
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