Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
10.6.2 Step 2: Distribute training
Distribute the training materials to the attendees, and
indicate criteria for success - 80%, 100%, or whatever. The
preliminary knowledge check, if applicable, should then be
10.6.3 Step 3: Provide overview of
training module
Now is the time to explain the content of the pilot module.
This is an opportunity to present the “science” of the process;
it is more than a sequence of tasks. Present the behavioral
objectives for the module. It is worth repeating that adults
learn best when they have crystal clear expectations about
their projects; hence we always use behavioral objectives.
Invite questions or concerns from the participants (trainees),
and specify the feedback process. Stress that you welcome
feedback; that the main purpose of a pilot implementation is
to elicit feedback for program improvement. Specify how the
participants should make their feedback - whether they
should interact immediately with the trainer(s) when they
have an issue, or they should note the issue for later
discussion. In either case, every issue should be recorded for
later attention. Also, mention that they will be called upon to
evaluate the pilot session before they leave - we will return
to this point in Section 10.7.
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
10.6.4 Step 4: Explain each task of
training module
Move through the module, section by section, task by task.
For each section and task, discuss the purpose of the task;
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