Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Process materials include:
controls (make sure the switches work, etc.);
utilities (make sure the water runs when you open the
tap, etc.).
10.5.6 Step 6: Review list of invitees
Review the set of end-users, the target audience for the
training program. Who is in the scope of this training?
Ensure coverage of all signifi cant groups within the scope. 15
This means including differing technical skill levels; different
cultural, language, and ethnic groups; different sites and
facilities; differing tenures - some new hires, some old
timers, etc. It is important to estimate the percentage of
invitees that will actually be attendees; that estimate will
ensure you have enough participants attending the pilot
to provide reliable and credible data on outcomes and
process. The estimate of invitees who will actually
attend will depend upon your experience, or the experience
of your training and development peers. Then you can
assemble the list of invitees, and again be sure to get
management approval. Each attendee's manager will need
to approve participation.
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
10.5.7 Step 7: Send invitations
The fi nal preparatory step is to send invitations to the pilot
session. Invitations should be sent to each participant
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