Biomedical Engineering Reference
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of a training program, conducts a pilot implementation,
and fi nally, evaluates a pilot implementation.
Key words: disappearing training intervention, facilitating
conditions, feedback, obstacles to implementation, pilot
implementation, pilot project, program improvement,
10.1 Pilot implementation and the
program improvement model
There appears to be some confusion about the meaning of
the term “Implement.” 1 We hear that the “Implementation”
phase means that the training module is developed, fi nalized,
and ready to be rolled out. However, this viewpoint gives rise
to two questions. First, what then are we to make of the
“Evaluation” phase that comes after the Implementation
phase? Is this to be only a summative evaluation? Does this
mean that there is no place in the program improvement
model for formative evaluation? 2 That would be an unduly
restrictive view of this model of program improvement.
Second, the program improvement model is an iterative
feedback model, which means that the results of the
Evaluation phase are fed back, closing the loop, facilitating
further refi nement of the training program. If the evaluation
shows that the module has shortcomings, such as lacking
clarity, those shortcomings are fed back to the author(s) to
be analyzed again. Further design and development efforts
follow until the module meets the organization's needs and
standards. That feature of the model - iterative feedback -
strongly suggests that the Implementation phase cannot
simply be the fi nalized rollout of the training program.
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