Biomedical Engineering Reference
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best way to handle each situation. The trainee's choice is
compared to a response called “correct.” The “correct”
response is established either empirically or by the collective
judgment of a panel of SMEs. 28
Should situational judgment testing not be a feasible
alternative, a job knowledge test can be a surrogate. A KTA
is a paper-and-pencil test that predicts performance on-the-
job. The items in the KTA can be constructed either (a) out
of material contained in training courses, user manuals,
technical handbooks, etc., or (b) from material provided by
a panel of SMEs; in either case the material refl ects the
content of the job. The items that should be selected are the
best discriminators between employees who are judged more
profi cient and less profi cient performing the task. Thus high
scores correlate with profi ciency and low scores correlate
with less profi ciency; the KTA is validated, and performance
on-the-job can be predicted from trainee performance on the
In this section we have sketched out the preparation of
several forms for assessing training, ranging across the
continuum from work sampling, through SDAs, situational
judgment tests, and fi nally to KTAs. Once the assessment
forms have been prepared, they can be incorporated into the
training module.
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
9.5 Incorporating assessments into
the training module
Assessments can be incorporated into a training module
in several ways: as a pre-training assessment, as a post-
training assessment, and interspersed throughout the training
material. 29
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