Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
9.3 Which kind of assessment
At a very general level, training involves two components - a
Training Event, followed by a Performance that demonstrates
whether the training had (or did not have) the desired impact
on the job, in the workplace. 17
The Training Event might be a structured on-the-job
training (SOJT) event; it might be a classroom event; it might
be an e-learning event. The Performance might be the SOJT
trainee's independent execution of the relevant tasks; it might
be the trainee's accurate logbook entry following a classroom
session; it might be the trainee's completion of a quiz at
the end of an on-line session with 80% of the responses
correct. Of course, the performance might be unsuccessful -
the trainee might fail to execute the relevant tasks, might
make an inaccurate logbook entry, might score less than
80% on the quiz.
The Training Event is a set of independent variables (the
predictors); the associated Performance is a set of dependent
variables (the criteria). Both components - the Training
Event and the Performance - are multi-dimensional. 18
The Training Event includes trainer(s), trainee(s) with skill
set(s) and disposition(s), training organization (supervisory
factors, business case), training facilities (allocated space,
allotted time, utilities), and training materials (instruments
and equipment, raw and in-process materials). 19 Training
materials also include the training script - for a typical SOJT
event, for instance, the script would spell out in some detail
the steps in the Prepare, Tell, Show, Do, and Follow-up cycle
to be followed in this event. 20
The Performance component (continuing with the SOJT
illustration) includes the trainee's independent and
satisfactory performance of the relevant tasks in a real work
setting, as judged by a supervisor or as indicated on some
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