Biomedical Engineering Reference
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of intended training outcomes. Third, they provide a
sound basis for the design and development of training
materials. 7
Behavioral objectives have a number of dimensions. 8 Each
must specify:
the training audience;
the trainee performance;
conditions for the performance;
the measure of the performance;
criteria for successful performance.
Let us consider each of these dimensions in turn.
9.2.1 Training audience
The training audience is the set of job positions whose
incumbents must receive training before they “touch” the
product or, in the case of supervisors, before they supervise
employees who will be touching the product. 9 All job
positions that have responsibilities in a given standard
operating procedure (SOP) are part of the training audience
for that procedure. For example, by regulation, sanitization
SOPs apply to contractors and temporary employees as well
as to full-time employees. 10 As Roelof Kuipers has pointed
out, it is important to defi ne who needs what kind of training
in a given organization. “With a large pool of electrical,
mechanical and maintenance engineers, electricians, machine
operators, contractors, and many more, not everyone needs
the same skill set” 11
The Boones have summarized this nicely: “Your behavioral
objective should identify the specifi c audience you plan to
target.” 12
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