Biomedical Engineering Reference
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would not need to train on the operational modules. This
would of course require that the SOPs would be written in a
more focused fashion.
We have seen how the proposed training module is fi tted
into the larger curriculum in the Design phase of the program
improvement model. The training module thereby aligns
with other training module, and with organizational goals.
We reviewed four aspects to this “fi t:” the structure of
training modules; the relationship between training module
and SOP; how to reduce training time by consolidating SOPs;
and the relationship between training module and various
regulatory requirements.
Now we will consider how the proposed training module
is outlined in the Design phase.
5.3 Outlining the proposed
training module
Outlining the proposed training module will usually consist
of completing a Training Outline template; the content of
this is illustrated in Table 5.2. We will fi rst display an
illustrative template, with 12 fi elds and instructions for
completing each fi eld. This will be followed by comments on
several of the fi elds.
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5.3.1 Training audience
The personnel included in the module's training audience
must be negotiated. Many times a training module will
impact not only the business unit of the business owner of
the SOP, but other units as well. Personnel in those impacted
units will be listed on the Scope Statement of the SOP, and
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