Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
with the much more fi ne-grained level of detail in the
abnormal situations, a level of detail that can only be
addressed by reference to technical manuals. Fourth, it blurs
regulatory requirements that differ between normal situations
and exceptional situations, for example, OSHA safety
For these reasons, among others, it seems more appropriate
to deal with abends by having separate procedures; an
illustration will clarify this.
If we represent the manufacturing cycle in a vertical process
map, displayed in Figure 5.6, consisting of the Set-up Period,
followed by the Start-up Period, then the Operate Period,
and fi nally the Shutdown Period, then abnormal events can
be represented in a horizontal process map that intersects the
manufacturing cycle at the point of the disruption. This
horizontal map lays out the process of trouble-shooting,
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
Figure 5.6
Manufacturing cycle
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