Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Now the one-hour training on the management of the TTT
program will have its own name in the training tracking
system, and the several-hour-long TTT classroom course will
have a different name, as will the subsequent TTT
qualifi cation session. The two different training audiences
can clearly recognize the relevant training modules.
The clear statement of the relation between the training
module(s) and the associated procedure should take place
during the Design phase of the program improvement model,
and will be an important contribution to the ultimate success
of the training module.
5.2.2 Consolidate SOPs, reduce the
number of training modules
Several training modules can be associated, directly or
indirectly, with a single procedure. This suggests that a
straightforward means of reducing training time within a
training system might be to consolidate SOPs, thereby
reducing the number of training modules. However,
consolidation (or “streamlining”) of SOPs needs to be logical
and to eliminate redundancies, not simply reduce the number
of SOPs. We will clarify this point.
Consider four examples that illustrate the issue:
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
1. The FDA requires gowning procedures. 5 Department A
has a gowning procedure. Department B has a different
gowning procedure. Consolidation of SOPs would
remove the redundancies here; Departments A and B
would work together toward a single gowning procedure.
2. Department C has a protocol on the use of Equipment-
Specifi c Instructions (ESIs), say involving equipment
maintenance manuals. Department D has a different
protocol on the same kind of ESIs. Again, streamlining
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