HTML and CSS Reference
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Using the <hgroup> element
The <hgroup> element is a semantic method that organizes headers and subheaders. This
element typically contains the standard and familiar <h1> to <h6> elements. The <hgroup>
element groups related headers in sequence. You can add a new <hgroup> element to your
webpage to serve this purpose, like so:
<h1>Our first new Article</h1>
<p>Provide some useful information in the article</p>
This HTML code renders the output in Figure 1-4.
FIGURE 1-4 Using the <hgroup> element to group headers
This code example effectively tells the renderer that the article has a main heading ( <h1> ) .
You could go on, adding <h2> to <h6> elements if required. How many of these ( <h1> to
<h6> ) elements you use in your <hgroup> element obviously depends on the document
structure you want to present.
Now that the page is starting to take shape, you can learn about the two main content
elements: <article> and <section> .
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