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The fractal dimension is not the only criterion used for designing development
scenarios. We check also that
Green corridors remain connected up at the microscale.
Urbanized grid squares remain connected in order to avoid fragmentation.
Each urbanized grid square has adjacent non-urbanized grid squares.
In the MUP-city development tool, these rules are strict and the software does
not allow them to be broken.
We now come to the second approach used for planning purposes named Fractalopo-
lis. The geometric concept, the underlying central place system with its assigned
coding system, as well as the population model were developed as part of the
“Vilmodes” project of the PREDIT 4 program financed by the French Ministry of
the Environment and Sustainable Development and by the Environment and Energy
Management Agency (ADEME) (Frankhauser 2012 ). The model was tested for the
first time for the Vienna-Bratislava metropolitan region in the frame of the PhD
thesis written as part of a collaboration project with the Technische Universität
Wien (Czerkauer-Yamu 2012 ). For this aim, a computer application was developed
by Gilles Vuidel (Thema) which can be used to design scenarios for real-world
applications. Based on previous work (Tannier et al. 2012 ), the rules for acceding
to facilities have been enlarged and adapted to the Vienna case, and specific
morphological rules have been introduced. The Fractalopolis approach is currently
being adapted to the Besançon agglomeration and the Lyon metropolitan area.
The spatial modeling approach is based on a multifractal model, and it too refers
to an iterative mapping procedure, but combines different reduction factors, e.g., r 0
and r 1 in Fig. 2.13 . This allows the creation of urban zones of different sizes which
Fig. 2.13 ( a ) Generating a multifractal Sierpinski carpet representing a central place system
starting from a square ,( b ) introducing the generator, and ( c ) iterating the procedure (Source:
Frankhauser 2012 )
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