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ρ = c 1 /c 2 is proven by the following procedure.
J l A = c 0
2 c 1 ρ + c 2 ρ 2 =min
Necessary :
d J l A
d ρ ( ρ = ρ )=
2 c 1 + c 2 ρ = 0
ρ = c 1 /c 2 .
Sucient :
d 2 J l A
d ρ 2 ( ρ = ρ )=2 c 2 > 0 .
( I.19 ) directly follows from ( I.10 )and ρ = c 1 /c 2 .
End of Proof.
Before we go into numerical computations of the optimal dilatation factor ρ for the generalized
Mercator projection, let us here briefly present a result for zero total areal distortion as it is
outlined by Grafarend ( 1995 ).
Definition I.6 (Generalized Mercator projection, optimal with respect to areal distortion).
The generalized Mercator projection of the ellipsoid-of-revolution
A 1 ,A 2
onto the developed cir-
cular cylinder
of radius ρA 1 is called optimal with respect to areal distortion if the deviation
from an equiareal mapping Λ 1 Λ 2
ρA 1
1 in terms of the left principal stretches ( Λ 1 2 ) averaged over
a mapping area of interest, namely the total areal distortion ( I.23 ), is minimal with respect to
the unknown dilatation factor ρ .
J l := 1
( Λ 1 Λ 2
1)d S =min
End of Definition.
Corollary I.7 (Generalized Mercator projection, dilatation factor).
For a generalized Mercator projection of the half-symmetric strip [ Λ W = Λ 0
ΔΛ, Λ 0 + ΔΛ =
Λ E ]
[ Φ S N ], the postulates of minimal Airy distortion energy (minimal total distance distortion)
and of minimal total areal distortion lead to the same unknown dilatation factor ρ of ( I.19 )by
first-order approximation. The total areal distortion amounts to zero.
End of Corollary.
We start from the representation of the left principal stretches for a mapping of conformal type
implemented into, firstly, J l A , secondly, J l . The squared left principal stretches are assumed to be
given by 1 plus a small quantity μ except for the dilatation factor ρ :
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