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x = x ( Λ, Φ )=
A cos Φ
1 − E 2 sin 2 Φ
Λ =[ N ( Φ )cos Φ ] Λ = L ( Φ ) Λ,
y = f ( Φ ) ,
g ( Φ )=1 , f ( Φ )= M ( Φ ) ,
M ( Φ )d Φ = Φ
E 2 )d Φ
(1 − E 2 sin 2 Φ ) 3 / 2 .
A (1
f ( Φ )=
Note the integral kernel expansion as powers of E 2 is uniformly convergent.
f ( Φ )
E 2 )
A (1
Φ + 3
256 E 4 (12 Φ − 8 sin 2 Φ + sin 4 Φ )+O( E 6 ) .
8 E 2 (2 Φ − sin 2 Φ )+ 15
End of Proof.
Note that the coordinate lines Λ = const., the meridians , are mapped close to a sinusoidal arc as
can been seen by Φ in ( F.23 ). Here, we find the reason for our term “pseudo-sinusoidal”. This is
in contrast to the coordintae lines Φ = const.: the parallel circles are mapped onto straight lines
parallel to the x axis represented by x =c 1 Λ and y = c 2 ,where c 1 ,c 2 are constants.
The first variant of mixed equiareal mapping of the biaxial ellipsoid onto the plane is generated
as weighted mean of the vertical coordinates {y gL ,y gSF } with respect to the generalized Lam-
bert coordinate y gL ( ( F.21 )) and the generalized Sanson-Flamsteed coordinate y gSF ( ( F.23 )).
In contrast, the horizontal coordinate x is constructed from the postulate of equiareal pseudo-
cylindrical mapping equations of the type ( F.20 ).
Definition F.4 (Equiareal mapping of pseudo-cylindrical type: vertical coordinate mean).
An equiareal mapping of pseudo-cylindrical type of the biaxial ellipsoid is called vertical coordinate
mean if ( F.27 )holdswhere α and β are weight coecients.
x = x ( Λ, Φ )=
= A 2 (1
E 2 )cos Φ
(1 − E 2 sin 2 Φ ) 2 Λ
f ( Φ ) ,
y = y ( Φ )=
= αy gL + βy gSF
α + β
=: f ( Φ ) .
End of Definition.
The unknown function f ( Φ ) is constructed as follows. Obviously, the vertical coordinate mean
y ( Φ ), i.e. ( F.28 ), is the basis which generates the horizontal coordinate x ( Λ, Φ ), namely ( F.29 ),
subject to ( F.30 )and( F.31 ).
A (1 E 2 )
α + β
f ( Φ )
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